PinnedPublished inThe Ugly Monster‘The Sentry’ is Marvel’s Love Letter to SupermanSometimes a writer will create a genuinely compelling Superman knock-offMar 13, 20217Mar 13, 20217
Ghost of the Badlands: A Western Tale of Sin and RetributionIt’s become a thing in the last decade for internet personalities to make their own comic books to compete with/show up the big two. While…Feb 6Feb 6
Oreium: Trust Nobody, Not Even YourselfWith so much content out there, it’s easy for your comic book project to fall between the cracks. Even with frequent posting, there’s a…Feb 5Feb 5
Come Sail Away to Dreams UnchartedThe fun part about being on the indie comics side of X is you get exposed to all kinds of stuff you won’t find at your local comic shop…Feb 2Feb 2
Published inThe Ugly MonsterGuns, Swords, and Magic: Comics I’ve Been Reading — Part 21Dang, it’s been a long time since I’ve done one of theseJan 26Jan 26
Published inThe Ugly MonsterI Finally Read ‘Wolverine: Weapon X’A gruesome, insightful origin storyJan 315Jan 315
Heroic Tales #1: A Delightful Love Letter to Superhero ComicsPhew! Man, I love the holiday season but it can be a little exhausting. But the presents were given, merriment was had, and family moments…Jan 3Jan 3
I’m not dead! (Life Update)Hello everyone. I know I’ve been somewhat inactive on this platform, and I’d like to apologize for that. This year has been a lot for me in…Jan 21Jan 21
Published inThe Ugly MonsterTokyo Godfathers: The Not-So-Christmasy Christmas AnimeA unique tale about the Christmas spirit woven with scenes of yakuza assassination attempts, drag bars, and attempted patricideDec 26, 202416Dec 26, 202416