My take on Japanese Curry

Heather Veley
3 min readJan 9, 2023
What the end product will look like in Tupperware.

About a month ago, I came across a video about a Japanese curry, and it looked tasty. Unfortunately, like many YouTube shorts, there weren’t any specifics about ingredient proportions. I, like the logical millennial I am, looked up the recipe online, and was met with frustration. The results I got were either contradictory or were fluffed up to hell with paragraphs of nonsense and had the audacity to still not give specifics on ingredient portion sizes or the specific types of ingredients one was supposed to use! What. The. F***?!

So, out of intellectualism and spite, I did some trial and error and came up with my own take of Japanese curry that I will now share with you. My only disclaimer is that this recipe is most likely not authentic because a) I’m not Japanese and b) everyone and their grandmother has their own take of how to make this damn dish. IT IS APPARENTLY LITERALY IMPOSSIBLE TO HAVE A CONCRETE RECIPE!

I am appropriating culture and not ashamed of it because it is delicious.

Introduction over.


* 1 lb of lean ground beef (This recipe can be done with any type of meat. Any type of ground beef is fine, but I prefer lean because it’s less mumfy.)

* 1 large yellow onion

